Astral Doge Plays
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Playing Earth video games, particularly retro, just to get a better understanding of the culture and chill with fans :)
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Dune 2 Review

Howdy all!

Just wanted to share my thoughts on Dune 2. To give a brief background: I have never read the books and had seen only the David Lynch movie cut and the Alan Smithee cut that someone posted on YouTube (a longer cut using unused footage upgraded as best as the fans behind it could piece it together than many fans of the 1984 herald as the much better version). Alan Smithee is a pseudonym that directors use when they do not want to be associated with a project, and David Lynch had such a terrible experience making the 1984 film, he wants have nothing to do with any other cuts of the film and move away from it, despite it still having his name as director in the original cut.

I truly enjoyed the Dune movie made by Canadian director Denis Villeneuve which came out in 2021. I thought the acting was solid, visually stunning, and a great world full of intriguing politics almost similar to what Game of Thrones had introduced along with interesting ideas how that world operated. Comparing it to the 1984 film, I think there was a missed opportunity to do something visually spectacular when moving across long distances in space as they did when we see the family from the House Atreides (protagonists) travel to the dune planet Arrakis to take over operation to mine and distill a rare red substance referred to as Spice found in minute quantities on the surface (if I understood that correctly). I thought the film ended at a weak moment, where Paul fights a Fremen (a native of a planet) which seemingly fulfills a local prophecy. There is much action that takes place before that leads to several deaths, so Paul (Timothée Chalamet) killing a Fremen to prove his worth to the other local inhabitants didn't seem to carry as much weight. I feel like they should have reserved this scene for the second movie, and trimmed some of the excess story elements to reduce the film by 20-30 minutes. After watching the second one, I believe this more to be the case.

Watching the second movie, we see the introduction of the galactic Emperor (Christopher Walken) and a member of the main antagonistic family house in these two films: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen (Austin Butler). We only hear of the emperor in the first film, and we finally get a chance to see him on-screen in this film, although for a few short moments, and Christopher Walken was either just not the right choice or didn't have much to really do with this character. Austin Butler was the true star in this second film, as he seemed to elevate every scene he was in, wondering if there would have been a way to introduce his character in the first film.

This movie is still visually stunning as the previous film. One of the main problems I have is the story. Not much really happens besides Paul continuing to fulfill a local prophecy, which he seems to reject at first, then changes his minds and starts his "chosen one" story arch, almost out-of-the-blue. Perhaps a different actor could have done this better, or making it seem more passage of time takes place during the course of the movie would have been better. We know this is within a 9-month span because Paul's mother is pregnant, and by the end of the movie is still carrying child. In the previous movie and also from I understood in the novels, she has the baby and there is much more passage of time. Paul and local Fremen Chani (Zendaya) also have a child in the book, but that has been stripped out in this movie, which brings me to my second major complaint about the movie.

Chani becomes a generic girlfriend that questions Paul's choices and if he loves her or not. When he decides to become the spiritual warrior of legend, she strays away from him and becomes somewhat angry with the people supporting this path. Again, I have not read the books, but from what I gathered from other reviewers of the film who are fans of the books, they said book Chani was very supportive of Paul. But with the decision to make her seemingly disappointed in his decision, it just reminded me of a lot of romance movies in the 90s where the man is trying to be successful in his career, but it creates strife between him and his wife, and the wife gets angry because he's not home enough, resulting in the man quitting his career for another and quieter life. In real life, you would actually need someone there to support your career decisions as it benefits both parties, but the 90s romantic films seemed to really start pushing this message, and I feel like that gave Chani this generic character plucked from those movies and placed in this film where it didn't really belong. Perhaps they should have stuck to the book and carried on with the child plot and created a more interesting aspect of the characters that way and earned the 3-hour movie span that the movie takes up.

Unfortunately, the viewers can see how the story unfolds, and there aren't many twist and turns like the first movie had. Perhaps this is because not much happens in the book during this stage of the story, but an hour could have been cut out of this movie and the story would have been told the same. Also, not that Zendaya was bad, because I did see Aquaman and perhaps Amber Heard is one of the worst compliments to a hero in recent film history, but she just didn't seem to come up with choices to keep her character interesting, which may have been the way her character was changed too. However, I have seen actors with terrible scripts able to use their acting abilities to overcome any sloppiness of the writing. She just seems only as capable as the script provides and instructs. I didn't really see many other people mention this, so this may just be me, and I am certainly no actor.

Overall, I give this move 3 out of 5 paws. I would only recommend watching it on a streaming service that you already have or rent it for a few bucks, because, while visually stunning and a few interesting characters and cool scenes at the first of the movie, you will find moments throughout the movie you could almost sleep through and not miss much of what's going on.

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AstralDogePlays here!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day, evening, morning, or whatever is happening in your time zone right now :)

I love to play video games and chatting with others while playing.
Why not have fun and chill while talking about a few news topics?

Just want everyone to have a good time and send good vibes!
So come on in, join the community, and let's get Loco on Locals! 😜

Unexpected Visit - Don't Mess with Chickens!

During today's stream on Rumble while wrapping up, I had an unexpected visitor knock on the door....

Could this be the end? 😵
The rumors of my demise are most likely exaggerated.

NOTE: No space doges were harmed during the live stream.

John Wick Series Review

As every man (and doge) has to do in their lifetime, I watched the John Wick movie series recently. I had never seen any of the movies before somehow, and just watched them since the first 3 were available on Netflix recently.

This was a great start to the series, and kept to mostly realistic elements compared to the other movies. It's a great tale of vengeance and demonstrates how John Wick (Keanu Reeves) uses anger and pain to his advantage. I enjoyed each character introduced, and glad to see Ian McShane in the series. After watching the Deadwood series on HBO, I can never get enough Ian McShane on screen, no matter what role he's in. The movie ends on a good note where Wick has to decide if he wants to try to live or not.


If the first movie was good, this one was great. The stakes get higher as Wick travels to Rome to fulfill a marker (some blood bond between two people that the other person must fulfill for the marker to be completed) and explains the workings of how the network ...

Godzilla Minus One REVIEW!

Howdy to all you doges and dogs out there!

Just went to see Godzilla Minus One after hearing many people I follow said they enjoyed it. And I must say, it STILL exceeded my expectations! In short, it was phenomenal!

I am not familiar with the recent Godzilla movies (whether made in Japan or America), but this was coming from Japan's Toho movie company who own the rights to Godzilla and distribute the movies within Japan.

The movie is set in 1940s post World War II Japan, and shows the devastation of the war without dwelling too much on the particulars, just enough to get a taste of the disillusionment and confusion after the war. Godzilla seems to have been awakened during WWII. Thankefully, the movie doesn't necessarily define exactly how Godzilla came about, but cleverly implies how he grows in strength to become a threat to Japan.

Unlike the old movies where, to this doge, the best part of the movies is the fellow in rubber suit Godzilla destroying miniature sets, perhaps to hilarity but always a joy to ...

Novel Respiratory Illness Affecting Dogs

Howdy All!

A new respiratory illness has been discovered in canines.
Just hope it's not affecting doges bc I don't want to wear mask or have to get shots to keep my jobe.

Here's an article on what LSU has found about it so far:

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