Astral Doge Plays
Gaming • Culture • Law & Crime
Playing Earth video games, particularly retro, just to get a better understanding of the culture and chill with fans :)
Watches Earth films too!
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Godzilla Minus One REVIEW!

Howdy to all you doges and dogs out there!

Just went to see Godzilla Minus One after hearing many people I follow said they enjoyed it. And I must say, it STILL exceeded my expectations! In short, it was phenomenal!

I am not familiar with the recent Godzilla movies (whether made in Japan or America), but this was coming from Japan's Toho movie company who own the rights to Godzilla and distribute the movies within Japan.

The movie is set in 1940s post World War II Japan, and shows the devastation of the war without dwelling too much on the particulars, just enough to get a taste of the disillusionment and confusion after the war. Godzilla seems to have been awakened during WWII. Thankefully, the movie doesn't necessarily define exactly how Godzilla came about, but cleverly implies how he grows in strength to become a threat to Japan.

Unlike the old movies where, to this doge, the best part of the movies is the fellow in rubber suit Godzilla destroying miniature sets, perhaps to hilarity but always a joy to watch nontheless, this movie takes a much more serious tone. The old movies did have a story for the events on the ground, but Godzilla was always the star and you kinda forget what was going on in the movies except when they come across Mothra and miniature twins from that island where Mothra comes from. I'm still slowly watching the old movies, but Mothra really brings many fantastical elements to the story.

This movie in contrast stays in a much more realistic atmosphere, and that's ok; it really works to its advantage. But because of these elements in past movies, viewers probably tune out the story plot with actors and glued to the screen when Godzilla is either destroying towns or fighting other monsters.

This time, I was absolutely interested in the main plot because the characters were intriguing, you see their struggles, and how they work together to make ends meet. One theme of the movie is government and military constantly angering Godzilla to no avail, and relying on weapons with no thought-process and controlling the information so the citizenry doesn't become upset.

The everyday folks eventually realize they must do their part to secure a better future, one that treats its people much better than the government dictated orders during WWII such as sending kamikazes to their death to try to secure a future of Japanese dominance. This movie explores the heart of the people who use their ingenuity and determination for a more warming future, one where family and love can be fulfilled.

There are some very tragic moments where you feel for the main characters. For a Godzilla movie, I was truly emotionally drawn to the characters and hoped the story gave them a good ending. I will not spoil it :)

As for Godzilla himself, he is definitely menacing, and you don't want to draw the ire of his focus, because he's definitely there to destroy everything in his path. There are several times Godzilla stares at the characters, and it's scary single moment.

Some people may be turned away because the movie was made in Japan, and it uses subtitles instead of terrible dubs to tell the story. Thankfully, the dialogue is not shown too quickly or too much long text that you have to try your best to read all the subtitles, and this doge is a slow reader. It provides many moments of eye breathing from subtitles to focus on the visual story of the movie.

I haven't gone to the theatres since Ghostbusters: Afterlife came out about 2 years ago, which I also enjoyed. I'm not gonna lie, I don't know if it's be cause of that or if I was just so drawn to the movie and characters, this doge kinda got a bit teary eyed at a few moments, either because of sadness or abundance of happiness for the characters working on a plan to save the ones they loves and the best they can to secure a better future. 🥲

If you can read and old enough to not have nightmares from a few scary visuals, then I highly recommend seeing this movie. It may not be for all the ladies out there, but I still recommend it.

There's really not much I can criticize on this film except maybe the city destruction scenes could've lasted longer; but it's not quite as fun with a CGI Godzilla anyway; the rubber suit will always take the cake for me.
It hit all the great points for me, and can't way to watch it again when it's available on streaming!

5/5 space doge paws!
🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾

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AstralDogePlays here!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day, evening, morning, or whatever is happening in your time zone right now :)

I love to play video games and chatting with others while playing.
Why not have fun and chill while talking about a few news topics?

Just want everyone to have a good time and send good vibes!
So come on in, join the community, and let's get Loco on Locals! 😜

Unexpected Visit - Don't Mess with Chickens!

During today's stream on Rumble while wrapping up, I had an unexpected visitor knock on the door....

Could this be the end? 😵
The rumors of my demise are most likely exaggerated.

NOTE: No space doges were harmed during the live stream.

Dune 2 Review

Howdy all!

Just wanted to share my thoughts on Dune 2. To give a brief background: I have never read the books and had seen only the David Lynch movie cut and the Alan Smithee cut that someone posted on YouTube (a longer cut using unused footage upgraded as best as the fans behind it could piece it together than many fans of the 1984 herald as the much better version). Alan Smithee is a pseudonym that directors use when they do not want to be associated with a project, and David Lynch had such a terrible experience making the 1984 film, he wants have nothing to do with any other cuts of the film and move away from it, despite it still having his name as director in the original cut.

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John Wick Series Review

As every man (and doge) has to do in their lifetime, I watched the John Wick movie series recently. I had never seen any of the movies before somehow, and just watched them since the first 3 were available on Netflix recently.

This was a great start to the series, and kept to mostly realistic elements compared to the other movies. It's a great tale of vengeance and demonstrates how John Wick (Keanu Reeves) uses anger and pain to his advantage. I enjoyed each character introduced, and glad to see Ian McShane in the series. After watching the Deadwood series on HBO, I can never get enough Ian McShane on screen, no matter what role he's in. The movie ends on a good note where Wick has to decide if he wants to try to live or not.


If the first movie was good, this one was great. The stakes get higher as Wick travels to Rome to fulfill a marker (some blood bond between two people that the other person must fulfill for the marker to be completed) and explains the workings of how the network ...

Novel Respiratory Illness Affecting Dogs

Howdy All!

A new respiratory illness has been discovered in canines.
Just hope it's not affecting doges bc I don't want to wear mask or have to get shots to keep my jobe.

Here's an article on what LSU has found about it so far:

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